Sunday, September 10, 2006

Happy today

I have a small thinkg to be happy about today: I got a new (to me) computer yesterday courtesy of craigslist and my wife (who originally saw the post). Previously using a 166Mhz Pentium II, with Debian Sarge as the operatings system. It ran fine in the TTY screens, using lynx as a browser worked fairly quickly, but of course with no graphics. But anything I did in the Gnome GUI was extraordinarily slow. The "new" computer is an e-machines 533Mhz CPU (not sure the exact CPU). I pulled my hard drive from the old computer, plopped it into the "new" one, and it booted just fine. I even got higher-resolution video, because the "new" computer has a lot more memory. Everything works much faster now. I re-loaded firefox, and I tried to reinstall Forecastfox, but forecastfox doesn't want to keep working for some reason.

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