Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Walking like crazy

I've been working full-time for one company for 25 months now, a record for me outside of military service. From Feb 2006 - June 2007, I was in one area where the pedometer I sometimes wore typically showed I walked 8000-9000 steps per day. Since July I've had farther to walk from parking to work, and more walking at work as well, but I haven't been wearing a pedometer lately. Yesterday I wore a pedometer that used to belong to Terri, because she bought a new one for herself (the clip on my old one broke). It showed 10,535 steps (that includes a short time in the house and between house and car as well as work) so I guess that's pretty good. Today I've been at work for 3 hours so far and already have 3382 steps.

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